Karsten @ Kube.ist / SRE / of iets


About me

*Keep in mind, everything is translated with Bing*

So I’m Karsten Meinster doing some things in IT mainly in terms of infrastructure and platforms. Especially busy in the field of container platforms (formerly things like Mesos and LXC now really Kubernetes) and especially things around it. These include deployment pipelines, monitoring environments, integration with additional things such as identity management, distributed systems, you name it.

In the past a lot has been spent on migration projects, platform innovations and of course just software management. I won’t name all the software I’ve ever worked with, this is just too much to mention and a lot of that knowledge is no longer relevant, or just outdated.

However, at the bottom of this page I will make a list of software and tools that I work with (sometimes a lot) at the moment.


At the moment I supply [Kube.ist] (https://www.kube.ist) management / devops matters as a service. Mainly intended if you don’t necessarily want or can hire someone 100% but for example a monitoring platform, CI/CD pipelines, Kubernetes / Application management or just need general help with your surroundings. Hands on consultancy and SaaS in one actually.


If you’re interested, yes, I’ll do something with self-driving cars. Mainly about my little girl and son learn to solder. Platform runs on k3s (lighter variant of Kubernetes) integrated with InfluxDB and Minio S3 to collect data. I don’t do anything useful with it myself, except as an IoT dummy but well the kids like to hit trees.

<em>Buzzword Bingo</em>

Buzzword Bingo

So here comes the buzzword bingo, there is no order to it, tools written here do not represent everything I know :-)

Oh yeah and the clouds I use mostly and got knowledge about are Google and AWS, Azure not so much though.


Kubernetes operators

Istio Service Mesh




Minio object storage

Elastic (formerly Elasticsearch)

Keycloak IDP

OPA (Open Policy Agent)

NATS Messaging




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